Open Submission

Open Submission

ChamberQUEER is thrilled to receive many pitches and proposals for collaboration throughout the year. In order to create a structured and equitable process by which we review these submissions, and improve transparency around the ways CQ chooses what to fund and who to work with, we’ve created our annual Open Submission period, occurring for the first time this fall.

LGBTQ+ artists with a desire to collaborate with CQ are invited to submit a proposal with a program description, budget, and work samples via our submission form from September 15 through October 15, 2024. Proposals are welcome to take many forms, including possible co-productions, ideas for CQ to produce in the future, works-in-progress, and new pieces. However, the more details you can provide relating to both logistics and alignment with CQ’s mission, the more seriously we can consider your proposal.

Work will be reviewed by ChamberQUEER co-founders and two outside readers. We are committing 10% of ChamberQUEER’s annual budget to supporting projects we learn about through Open Submission. This year, ChamberQUEER anticipates having about $8000 in total to devote to supporting Open Submission proposals, which we plan to divide among 2-3 projects.

As you prepare your submission, one factor to consider: the theme of our June 2025 festival is Queer Ancestry. If your proposal engages deeply with this theme in some way and you would like it to be considered for inclusion in the festival in NYC, please specify this in your submission; the dates for the festival this year will be June 5-8 and June 12-15, 2025. However, we are accepting proposals for all topics and dates with the 2025 calendar year, and all potential projects will be given equal consideration.

Submissions are due by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, October 15; all artists who submit work will be contacted with decision information during the month of November 2024.

We can’t wait to see all the amazing queer art you’re making, and hear how we can be involved in supporting its realization!